Kind Friends Club
Every monthly donor will receive a custom sponsorship certificate, free private tour for up to 6 friends and family members and a special quarterly update just for monthly donors on their chosen chicken!

Not sure which chicken you should sponsor?
Get to know them on this page!
For $5 a month you can provide your sponsored chicken with a tasty salad, some seeds, or a new treat ball to help keep them busy during the winter days when exploring outdoors isn't as fun.
For $10 a month you can provide your sponsored chicken with fresh pine shavings bedding all month long. They'll love digging around and making a mess, making sure they need new bedding in no time!
For $20 a month you can provide your sponsored chicken with their pellets & crumble, making up 90% of their diet! We offer our chickens special feed designed for each chicken. The girls get a layer blend and the boys get a grower pellet!
For $30 a month you can provide your sponsored chicken with shelter, fresh hemp sheets for their laying boxes, heated coops and funds to help us make updates when needed!
Veterinary Care
For $50 a month you can provide your sponsored chicken with peace of mind knowing any veterinary care they need will be covered. Emergencies? That's okay, their hero is here to save the day!
Not able to make a monthly donation? That's okay - make a one time gift here!