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Planning for 2024

Secondhand Stories provides a loving forever home to 17 rescued chickens, many of which have unique special needs. Our mission is to provide a loving, forever home to abandoned, abused, and neglected farmed animals.

Our vision is to offer a life-long sanctuary where our rescued farmed animals can: live out their natural lives in peace; be free from exploitation and suffering; and have fulfilled and enriched experiences while living at the sanctuary.

In order to continue providing excellent care for our residents and sustainably grow our operations, we must create plans which challenge us to succeed. In 2024 we have established the following goals:

Chicken Care

  • Have $2000 set aside in a medical emergency fund by the end of Q1.

  • Proactively update the medicine cabinet in Q1.

  • Create and implement enrichment protocol & schedule in January.

  • Purchase fans for high temperature days by the start of May.


  • Raise $21,240 in 2024.

  • Host two successful online auctions raising at least $3200 each by EOY.

  • Host a summer open house in Q2 with at least 10 vegan-friendly vendors.

  • Host a summer read-a-thon in Q3, raising at least $500.

  • Find and implement a Customer Relation Management software by end of Q2.

  • Create employee-run book drive packet by EOY.

  • Secure an accessibility grant to install an accessible walkway by end of Q3.

  • Secure a grant for #WhatTheFlockFridays online campaign by end of Q2.


  • Post two advocacy blogs per quarter (every six weeks).

  • Launch What The Flock Fridays educational campaign before EOY.

  • Complete at least 1 presentation within rural community about sanctuaries by EOY.


  • Purchase a new wheelbarrow & shovel in Q1.

  • Complete electric update to Coop #5 by end of Q2.

  • Clean out and prepare "spare" coop for isolation use by end of Q2.

  • Create expanded daytime runs for three more coops by end of Q3.


  • Update Operations Manual in January.

  • Find an accountant by end of Q2.

  • Recruit 2-3 volunteers to help with farm tasks by end of Q3.

  • Complete the "Writing to Rank" SEO course and update website by EOY.

  • Reach 20 reviews on Google by EOY.

  • Revisit and report on budget quarterly for transparency.

*Q1 - January to March, Q2 - April - June, Q3 - July to September, Q4 - October to December, EOY - End of Year.



We have budgeted $20,221 for expenses in 2024 and are challenging ourselves to raise $21,240. While this doesn't leave a large excess, it means we focus on providing a life worth living for our chickens while they are here with us.

Medical Fund

Coming in at a whopping 48% of our budget is the line item that perhaps has the least certainty to it. Chickens health is notoriously unpredictable, but we're basing our estimate on our 2022 expenses of $479/chicken. Knowing that our chickens are getting older as well as having taken on new chickens with special needs we've opted to budgeted $800 per hen (implants are $700 ea. and will most likely be required) and $300 per rooster.

Animal Care

We did a breakdown of all the food, bedding and supplements we will need to get through the year. We estimate we'll go through 72 bags of shavings (a whopping $700), 54 bags of food, and 36 bags of supplements (such as oyster shell, granite grit and mealworms).

2023 Debt

Coming into the year we have $2,055 in unpaid debt. This includes payments to be made on the Sanctuary Home Depot Credit Card (used for purchasing lumber and supplies for the coop runs) and payment of medical bills such as the hens' implants.


Luckily, most of the infrastructure for the sanctuary is now built. However, we'd still like to make some improvements. In 2024 we plan to build extended runs for each of the new coops, purchase fans for those extra hot days, and invest in two more food bins to both accommodate the increase in chicken feed we are going through and keep it protected from mice.


Operations expenses include our domain renewal, website hosting, email marketing plan, business cards, banking fees, stamps, paint for our book order bags (we refurbish branded ones that were donated to keep the cost of actual bags lower).


In 2023 we plan on tabling at select events. Wherever possible, we attempt to secure a non-profit discount or free table rental, however some events (such as Vegans Who Snack) are worth the return in investment. Thus, we've budgeted a little under $1,000 to attend and host events. This line item includes tabling fees, vending insurance and rentals for our very own 2023 Summer Open House.


All this would not be possible without the generous support of people like you.

If you're inspired to make a year-end gift to our sanctuary, you can donate here.


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